The Indian Railways has released the much-awaited notification for Railway Protection Force (RPF). A total of 9739 vacancies have been notified by Indian Railways for the RPF out of which 8619 vacancies are for Constable post and 1120 vacancies are for Sub-Inspector post. The process of online registration will start from 1st June 2018 which will last till 30th June 2018. This news was much awaited by the job seekers after the Ministry of Railways announced of recruitment in near future for 9500 posts under the Railway Protection Force and Railway Protection Special Force.
Out of the 8619 vacancies of constable, 4408 are for male candidates and 4216 are for female candidates and out of 1120 vacancies of sub-inspector, 819 are for male candidates and 301 are for female candidates. Graduation is a minimum qualification for the post of sub-inspector and SSCL/ Matric is for the post of constable.
Sub Inspectors will be appointed in Level 6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix with initial pay of Rs. 35400 and allowances. Constables will be appointed in Level 3 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix with initial pay of Rs. 21700 and allowances. The recruitment process for both the posts involves a Computer Based Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Physical Measurement Test and Document Verification.
Aspirants seeking Railway Jobs can check the official notification of the posts on our website. Keep checking our website for Upcoming Railway Recruitment Notifications.